Setu Skin: Renew Fizz Glutathione & Vitamin C Tablets (15 Each) Orange

Original price was: £24.99.Current price is: £20.99.

  • L-Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that contains three amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid and Lysine – revered for its miraculous, skin-enhancing benefits
  • This potent ingredient boosts vitamins C and E detoxifies your liver and enhances overall skin health
  • This water-soluble, antioxidant-rich nutrient protects your skin from harmful UV rays, fights signs of ageing, and promotes radiant, healthy skin
  • This supplement can help if you have fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and dull skin

Setu Skin: Renew Fizz Glutathione & Vitamin C Tablets (15 Each) Orange
Helps reduce skin pigmentation and dark spots
Fights free radicals and defies the ageing process
Enhances skin radiance and makes your skin glow


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